
Consistency. The regularity of repeated events. Glue. Things that consist.

This blog promotes mediocrity on tap daily, but I won't be posting daily. What's more mediocre than occasional failure to produce? I deliver on this point.

The very idea of consistency is stressful. Consistency means doing something on a regular basis, which begs the question of what is regular enough to be lauded as consistent? What's good enough, where's the line that I need to drag my ass across to be doing that action just enough for it to be consistent in all of its glory? Consistency at its core is censorious. It reeks of condescension and judgment. The rhythm of everyday life with its ups, downs, frequent sideways excursions just don't measure up to consistency as it hangs its disparaging expectations over your head, weighing on your shoulders. Weighing you down.

I object. I rebel against the concept. So I'll post my daily mediocre thoughts whenever the fuck I want.


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